Einmal in der Welt von Al Capone - Dresdner Erlebniswelt

Once in the world of Al Capone

What goes with a hand-rolled cigar?

Of course a good rum. A cigar and a good rum harmonize very well with each other. Rum is the ideal drink to accompany a cigar.

In the cigar workshop you have the opportunity to roll your own cigar. Rolling cigars is not just a craft, it is more of an art. Under Lazaros' professional guidance, you will learn which steps are necessary to produce a visually and technically perfect cigar. Then it's your turn! – But don't worry, under the trained eyes of Torcedor Lazaro, every step is monitored and, if necessary, he intervenes in a friendly manner with a friendly wink. Guarantee of success included! While you roll the cigars, you can sample five different rums.

This voucher for the cigar workshop is a gift that is guaranteed to put a smile on the lips of tobacco lovers. Garnished with lots of anecdotes about rolling cigars and from Cuban life, you will experience an unforgettable evening.

How must Al Capone have felt? Try it out...

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